Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sometime You Can't Always Get What You Want

But if YOU 'buy' sometimes, you get what your need. Or at least that is how I would like to think that it can work. With the holiday season behind us... (pause for a sigh and some reflection...) and I can't believe that I was only able to blog twice during the season... that is disappointing! So if you did not get everything, or anything, that you wanted for the holidays...  For the first time in years the deals were just as good, if not better, before December 25th as they where after. In any event the deals keep coming! With that being said there are a few noteworthy websites that people should keep in their 'shopping favorites' list (make one if you don't have one and keep adding as I suggest... good idea right?) and be sure to reference when attempting any online or in-person mall type purchases.

Take note on 

Here is the short on how it works: log on to your ISH and navigate your way to either of these two sites. You can either type in/click the category or the name of the store/website that you are looking to do your shopping for or at and see what kind of discount codes or printable coupons you can collect before you begin your shopping. Easy! SIDE NOTE: Be sure to check for free shipping on all websites. It seems that everyone is offering this even after the holidays just to keep the customers coming back. There maybe promotional codes on the two websites that I listed above for the free shipping as well.

So if you have the post holiday blues... do what I do and partake in a little retail therapy!!!! 

1 comment:

Couponfacet said...

Nice post! Thank you for dropping this post.