Friday, September 19, 2008

No ruling on today yet

I have lost count on the number of weddings that my husband and I have attended over the past 9 years. The number is well over 60. We are 'The Perfect Guests'. This will be the title of a book someone will have to write about our wedding seasons. We have seen it all, danced to it, eaten it, drank it, worn it and have the pictures to prove it. I have bought a lot of engagement gifts, shower gifts, wedding gifts and now... baby gifts! It is now the way of the baby. This fall we are not expecting, but our friends and family are planning to welcome 8 babies (there are some twins coming) into the world. We have not by any means completed out wedding commitments. There are still plenty of close friends and family that are yet to walk the aisle. With that being said... I am off to purchase two baby shower gifts and two 1st birthday gifts today. I shop online and in-stores. There are good stores and there are great stores. There is customer service and there is a store with stuff in it and a person. I am here to share my experiences with them all. 

Stay tuned for the joys of shopping and the perils of retail.

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