Thursday, September 25, 2008


It's the first week of fall and that means it is the official start of sample sale season. The best sales lead up to the holidays so companies can make their last big push in the 4th quarter (in addition to the regular price merchandise in the stores) and it helps clean up the inventory for the start of the new year. And that is your fashion retail lesson for this, week one of fall.

My first sample sale stop on the tour... Hermes. A luxury brand with history, clout and sophistication. One that I have admired from afar... until now. I could not go alone. My first 'supervisor' got stuck at work so I was escorted by an experienced luxury customer with more knowledge of the Hermes brand and the product assortment than anyone I know. Good choice! My co-worker Marcus and I waited on a well attended line for about 15 mintues before being shuttled in groups of 10 up to the 5th floor of a familiar sample sale venue in Manhattan (details below). I felt that this level of organization was appropriate for this brand, however things were not as well organized once we arrived upstairs. Nevertheless, I was there for one thing and one thing only... a classic Hermes scarf for my mother and myself. Mission accomplished! If they had the most of anything, it was scarves. Nothing says sophistication like an Hermes scarf. My mother would never buy this little treat for herself, so I am thrilled to be able to give her this for her birthday next week. I did not make it out the door that easy, but I felt like I had shopped victoriously and made some smart purchases for the upcoming holiday season. 

In my opinion, which is why we are here after all... the best venue for sample sales in Manhattan is at the Metropolitan Pavilion on 18th St. between 6th Ave. and 7th Ave. on the north side of the street. They have a website that you can subscribe to for notices on upcoming sales and other events. It's a brilliant location. I think you can get married there too... go figure. Past sales that I have been to there include Kate Spade, J.Crew, LeSportSac and the list goes on.

Happy Fall Shopping! 

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