Monday, May 4, 2009

Blog Me? Blog You!

It may be a little like the blind leading the blind in some weird way, but when a blogger blogs about another blogger... that's nice! At least for me! 

This past weekend was the sample sale at my current freelance job, designer Shelly Steffee in the ever popular Meat Packing District of NYC. I helped work the sale Friday and Saturday and met a handful of great people. One of which is an amazing women that is a shopping marathoner! Without disclosing her real identity (for which we have a true bond), she is the sole shopper and blogger behind "Sally" shops each and every sample sale in Manhattan and blogs about it. She has a full time career and does this on the side... for fun. She must work full time! It's a lot of shopping sister! Her website is a great source for setting up your own personal sample sale shopping schedule if you are going to be visiting from out of town (or even if you live here) and want to know where and when to hit the sales. Sally provides snap shots from all of her sample sale events and is very informative about the available merchandise, the prices and the overall feeling of sale from location to ambiance. Sally is my new favorite New Yorker and bound to be yours too! She is totally unassuming and as elegant a women as they come. 

True to her blog, Sally reviewed the Shelly Steffee sample sale on her website over the weekend. Additionally, mentioning me and my blog in her review! Yep, there, we did it... we blogged about each other.

Bookmark her website:

Visit Shelly Steffee while your at it... her collections are trully works of art and are designed for real women with real bodies:


ELE said...

Love when the world of sample sale shopping collides with the blogosphere with such happy results!

I would love to see a picture of the bags from the Shelly Steffee sale. A big one. Front and center sister.

Jocelyn Strutt said...

visit sally's blog... she took a picture of the bags... it's the lead picture on the story...