Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy Little Trees!

Thank you Bob Ross, RIP. So if everyone is jumping on the 'Go Green' bandwagon, I am going to do my part to support the cause. Again, think ISH (information super highway)... with family and friends giving birth and the passing of some amazing people in my life, I have finally found the perfect contribution to the environment combined with celebrating or commemorating those in my life. Consider Trees Instead, Inc. In a word, Delightful. There are different purchase options Trees Instead offers, but my first purchase for $20, was one tree for a memorial. One tree to be planted in your choice of  1. a forest of my choice or 2. a forest that needs it the most. This purchase supplies the recipient with a certificate of the contribution from you with a small note that you can script on-line, as well as a 'tree #' so that you can follow the growth of the tree as well as stay informed about the forest where the tree is planted. I really love this gesture. I had the certificate sent to me first so that I could inspect the presentation before it was handed over to my friend for whom I bought the tree for in memory of her mother. It was really something to feel good about. Additionally, you can purchase a whole forest, one or more acres and you can purchase individual trees as wedding favors.

Growing up, my mother was a big tree giver. She purchased them from the local Hadassah (the local women's Zionist organization) whenever there was a birth or a death. These trees were purchased for roughly about $12 and these trees were planted in Israel. This was popular tradition. It still is and will continue to be. I always loved the idea and am happy to be able to find a ' go green', environmentally supported US version of this tradition. Make Bob Ross proud!

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